Music Therapy
Music therapy is a practice that uses music to accomplish therapeutic goals, such as improving motor skills, emotion expression, communication, and behavior. At MelodyMind, we believe everyone has an innate appreciation for music, and can benefit from music therapy.

Our playlists are curated based on research and established therapeutic criteria to address various goals. However, we still encourage you to explore and find the music that resonates most with you, as your personal connection to music is the key to unlock its therapeutic power.
How It All Started
The 9-year-old girl was tapping to the song I was teaching her, and that was my first direct realization of the powerful impact music can have on autism. I aimed to make music therapy more effective by using songs that had been proven beneficial, but related research was often scarce and elusive.

During my search for information, I realized that many parents were also seeking advice on which songs or types of music could help their children, given that professional music therapy can be quite costly. This inspired me to compile and analyze relevant research findings and resources, and increase the accessibility of free music therapy to everyone. I hope my research can offer valuable support and guidance to more families in need.

"What the germinating force is in the grain, Beethoven’s music is in my work."
— Van Gogh

"Music is a tool for brain development and healing. For individuals with autism, it provides a structured way to process the world."
— Anita Collins